Adaptor stock image. Image of british, component, electronic 49653173

Learn the correct spelling of Adapter vs. adaptor & other commonly misspelled words & phrases in the English language. Learn more!. This ngram graphs the use of adapter and adaptor in British books published from 1800 to 2000. It shows that adaptor had a brief prevalence in the late 20th century,.

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Adaptor is the British spelling of the word, while adapter is the American spelling. Adaptor is also the spelling used in many other countries that follow British English, such as Australia and Canada. In general, adaptor refers to a device or component that is used to connect two or more things that are not originally designed to work together.

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"Adaptor," on the other hand, is a variant that is more commonly found in British English but means essentially the same thing as "adapter". It refers to a device that modifies the function or attributes of a system or device to achieve compatibility or enhance functionality.

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The British newspaper The Guardian, for instance, makes a distinction between adaptor vs. adapter in its internal style guide, namely, use adaptor when referring to devices and adapter when referring to people.

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Definition of Adaptor. The first thing you should do when seeking to better understand a word is to define it. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the word adaptor is defined as, "one that adapts, or a device for connecting two parts of an apparatus."It is commonly used in terms of a power adapter plug for something like a hair dryer or even a cell phone charger.

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The term would usually be spelled Adaptor in British English. A full reference for the 'Gang of Four' book is: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma (Author), Richard Helm (Author), Ralph Johnson (Author), John Vlissides (Author) edited Sep 26, 2011 at 20:21. community wiki.

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Definition of adapter noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.. Find the answers with Practical English Usage online, your indispensable guide to problems in English. (British English) a device for connecting more than one piece of equipment to.

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Explanation: The sentence provides a clue by mentioning in the UK, which indicates that the British English spelling, adaptor, should be used. 3. Answer: adapter or adaptor. Explanation: There is no specific clue in the sentence to indicate whether American or British English should be used, so both adapter and adaptor are acceptable answers. 4.

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ADAPTER definition: 1. a type of plug that makes it possible to connect two or more pieces of equipment to the same…. Learn more.

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The word adaptor came from the word adapt, which in turn came from the word adaptatus, borrowed from Middle French.The first meaning of adapter and adaptor is an electrical device which helps normally incompatible devices function together. The second meaning is a person who adapts to new conditions. And finally, the third definition of adaptor/adapter is someone who adapts any work of art.

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The difference between adapter and adaptor is really just a simple matter of spelling. The -er version tends to be preferred in the U.S., while the -or version is more common in the U.K. As with so many parts of our language, the word adapter has adjusted as it has moved from one setting to another. Therefore, you'll typically find it spelled.

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September 17, 2022 By Anthony R. Garcia. These are only spelling variants. Adapter is the more common spelling, and therefore likely to cause less distraction for readers than adaptor. In fact, many spell checkers will mark adaptor as incorrect! An adapter is a device or person that adapts—that changes itself or something else in order to.

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Mistake 1: Using "Adaptor" Instead Of "Adapter". One common mistake is using "adaptor" instead of "adapter.". While both words refer to a device that allows two different things to connect, "adapter" is the correct spelling in American English, while "adaptor" is the correct spelling in British English.

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3 meanings: 1. a person or thing that adapts 2. any device for connecting two parts, esp ones that are of different sizes or.. Click for more definitions.

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The Merriam-Webster definition of the word 'adapter' is: "one that adapts," "a device for connecting two parts (as of different diameters) of an apparatus," and "an attachment for adapting apparatus for uses not originally intended.". The Cambridge definition is: "a type of plug that makes it possible to connect two or more.

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Some people claim that an adapter is used only when referring to a person, while adaptor is used only when referring to electronic or other mechanical devices. Even further, some claim that a device can be an adapter or adaptor, but a person can only be an adapter. Fowler's Modern Usage Guide says while such a distinction would be useful, it.
